Electronic B2B invoicing mandate coming up in Spain

According to the draft regulation published by the Spanish government in June 2023, soon all Spanish companies involved in B2B operations will be required to issue invoices electronically. That means all domestic invoices must be transmitted in an electronic format. Paper-based invoices are legally not allowed any more. Twelve months after official publication of the law, companies with annual turnover of €8 million and higher will have to comply with the new requirements.

The e-invoice issued must be a structured document, which means that a PDF will no longer be considered an electronic invoice.
Companies will be able to choose from XML CEFACT/ONU, UBL per the ISO/IEC 19845:2015 standard, EDIFACT per the ISO 9735 standard or Facturae.
Regardless of the chosen preferred format, issuers must send an exact copy of each e-invoice to the public e-invoicing solution, in the Facturae format.

However, in the first year from the regulation’s effective date, invoice senders may have to attach a PDF file to the legal e-invoice to ensure readability if the invoice receiver is not yet in scope of the legislation and requires visualization.

Like French legislation, it will be mandatory to communicate e-invoice status within a maximum deadline of four calendar days. The recipient will be obliged to inform the invoice issuer about the acceptance or rejection of the invoice.
Optionally, partial acceptance or rejection, partial payment and the assignment of the invoice to a third party for collection or payment will be possible.

Generally, companies will have the right to issue invoices via the public electronic invoicing solution managed by the State Tax Administration Agency or via a privately owned electronic invoicing platform or use both in parallel.

As a privately owned e-invoicing platform, TecCom e-Invoicing will have to meet following requirements to act as a state approved provider:

  • We will ensure integrity and authenticity by applying an advanced electronic signature.
  • We will prove capacity to connect with the public e-invoicing solution, providing free interconnection and interoperability with other platforms.
  • We will provide the possibility to interconnect with any other private platform within the Spanish e-invoicing system within one month.

What can you do today?

  1. If you still send paper, switch to electronic invoicing. TecCom e-invoicing is compliant with the current law in Spain. That means, you can start implementing today while preparing for the upcoming reform.
  2. If you send PDF as original invoice, start offering structured data format to your counterparties.
  3. Choose the right e-invoicing service provider to ensure a smooth transition.

Why choose TecAlliance?

  • Tax compliant electronic invoicing on international level, not only in Spain
    With Mexico, Italy, Poland (coming up) and France (coming up), TecAlliance is collecting a proven track record in CTC processes. We offer a compliant solution for both the Spanish market and for cross border operations.
  • Use our Order 2 Invoice 2 Returns process globally
    E-Invoicing is fully integrated into the TecCom Suite. That means, in addition to compliant electronic invoicing, you can choose to exchange article and price data with your business partners, optimize stocks through order proposals, order and track the order fulfillment as well as manage the reverse logistics. All of that, fully automated and even integrated into your ERP system.
  • A solution specifically designed for the IAM processes
    Our solution best fits IAM business. Top notch data quality due to fulfillment of Independent Aftermarket industry standards allows you to minimize errors and reduce manual work to the minimum throughout your order to invoice processes. TecAlliance e-Invoicing is fully compatible with established IAM standards (tXML2.5). We will convert e-invoices into all supported formats on national and international level while preserving integrity and authenticity.

Do you need more information? Get in touch with our local expert at sales.erp@tecalliance.net today.

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