TecDoc Catalogue

Get access to our comprehensive parts data platform

Our global TecDoc catalogue offers you a diverse, multi-brand portfolio of IAM products. It’s easy to use, so you can find the right part quickly and easily.

The world’s leading automotive spare parts catalogue

Fast vehicle and spare parts identification, including comprehensive & manufacturer-compliant repair information, high-quality images and product videos.


Parts Identification

Identify and order the exact parts needed, mitigating errors, reducing returns, and enhancing overall efficiency.

User Centric

Intuitively designed, user-friendly interface. Swiftly locate specific data with our advanced search functionality and customised views.

Comprehensive Data

With over 1000 brands, the global TecDoc Catalogue offers you the most diverse portfolio of Aftermarket Products.

Latest Technology

Maximum performance and 24/7 availability on all platforms via our global cloud connectivity.


Modular service packages tailored to your needs. Including Repair and Maintenance Data as well as Vehicle Identification by VIN/VRM.

Vehicle Types
Vehicle Linkages
Article Data
Standardised Products

Easy vehicle identification via number plate search

Identify any vehicle with just one click. By simply entering the numberplate, you’ll receive the corresponding TecDoc TypeId within seconds. This innovative service not only saves time but also streamlines workflows and ensures accurate data retrieval.

Available for:

Take TecDoc on the go with our mobile app

The quality of the mobile support can be a decisive factor in closing deals or sales. The TecDoc Catalog App is your customised sales enabler that helps workshops, dealers, sellers and car owners find the relevant spare parts for your brand in the most efficient and convenient way – anywhere, anytime!

VIN & barcode Scanner

By accessing your device’s camera our build-in OCR makes it easy to identify vehicles as well as products.

Maps integration

Guide potential customers to your nearest outlet via our Google Maps integration.

Include media

Enrich your catalogue with additional documents (PDFs) & link your YouTube library

Ready to access the most accurate and reliable parts data?

Get access to our easy to use TecDoc Catalogue , so you can find the right part quickly and easily.

See you in Frankfurt!

Let’s catch up and pop by at our booth at Automechanika Frankfurt in Hall 3.0 B50. Have a look at our latest developments and listen to our inspiring keynotes.